Alberto Pessia
Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Helsinki
European Meeting of Statisticians
Helsinki, 24-28 July 2017
Motivation: identify groups of homogeneous proteins
Clusters naturally arise as a consequence of evolutionary processes
Motivation: identify important amino acids
Classify the sites and their corresponding amino acids according to their discriminatory power
No expected value, median, variance, etc.
Operations are done on counts and their probabilities
Usually thousands of rows and columns in the data matrix
Number of columns much greater than the number of rows
Partition the rows into blocks
Partition the columns into blocks as well
Informative priors to regularize the likelihood
Posterior distribution to measure our uncertainty
Stochastic optimization to find the MAP
MCMC algorithms to explore the posterior
High costs for large dataset
We just received a black ball. In which cluster would you put it?
We just received a black ball. In which cluster would you put it?
We just received a black ball. In which cluster would you put it?
$k$ = total number of clusters
$R_{k}$ = partition of the rows into $k$ clusters
$C_{k}$ = partition of the columns among the $k$ clusters
R_{kit} = \begin{cases}
1 & \text{if }i\text{ and }t\text{ belong to the same cluster}\\
0 & \text{otherwise}
C_{kjgl}^{u} = \begin{cases}
1 & \text{if }j\text{ has status }u\text{ and property }l\text{ in cluster }g\\
0 & \text{otherwise}
Model is flexible enough to accommodate any prior distribution on $(k, R_{k})$
In our implementation we used the Ewens-Pitman distribution
$$p(k, R_{k}) = \frac{\Gamma(\psi)}{\Gamma(\psi + n)} \frac{\Gamma(\psi / \phi + k)}{\Gamma(\psi / \phi)} \phi^{k} \cdot$$
$$\cdot \prod_{g = 1}^{k} \frac{\Gamma(n_{g} - \phi)}{\Gamma(1 - \phi)}$$
Independently classify each column $j$ with probabilities $\gamma_{j} = (\gamma_{j1}, \ldots, \gamma_{ju}, \ldots, \gamma_{jv})^{\prime}$
If $j$ is classified as $u$, independently sample within cluster $g$ with probabilities $\omega_{jg}^{u} = (\omega_{jg1}^{u}, \ldots, \omega_{jgl}^{u}, \ldots, \omega_{jgs_{u}}^{u})^{\prime}$
Joint distribution is then
$$p(C_{k} | k) = \prod_{j = 1}^{m} \prod_{g = 1}^{k} \prod_{u = 1}^{v} \prod_{l = 1}^{s_{u}} \left(\gamma_{ju}^{\frac{1}{k}} \omega_{jgl}^{u}\right)^{c_{jgl}^{u}}$$
$$p(k, R_{k}, C_{k} | X) \propto p(k, R_{k}) \prod_{j = 1}^{m} \prod_{g = 1}^{k} \prod_{u = 1}^{v} \prod_{l = 1}^{s_{u}} \left(\gamma_{ju}^{\frac{1}{k}} \omega_{jgl}^{u} p_{jgl}^{u}(x_{gj})\right)^{c_{jgl}^{u}}$$
where $X$ is the categorical data encoded as a presence/absence binary matrix and
$$p_{jgl}^{u}(x_{gj}) = p(x_{gj} | c_{jgl}^{u} = 1) = \int p(\theta | c_{jgl}^{u} = 1) \prod_{i \in g} p(x_{ij} | \theta) d\theta$$
We can show that
$$p(X | k, R_{k}) = \prod_{j = 1}^{m} \sum_{u = 1}^{v} \gamma_{ju} \prod_{g = 1}^{k} \sum_{l = 1}^{s_{u}} \omega_{jgl}^{u} p_{jgl}^{u}(x_{gj})$$
$$p(C_{k} | k, R_{k}, X) = \prod_{j = 1}^{m} \prod_{u = 1}^{v} \left(\frac{\gamma_{ju} \prod\limits_{h = 1}^{k} \sum\limits_{t = 1}^{s_{u}} \omega_{jht}^{u} p_{jht}^{u}} {\sum\limits_{a = 1}^{s_{u}} \gamma_{ja} \prod\limits_{h = 1}^{k} \sum\limits_{t = 1}^{s_{u}} \omega_{jht}^{a} p_{jht}^{a}} \right)^{\frac{c_{j..}^{u}}{k}} \prod_{g = 1}^{k} \prod_{l = 1}^{s_{u}} \left[\frac{\omega_{jgl}^{u} p_{jgl}^{u}}{\sum\limits_{t = 1}^{s_{u}} \omega_{jgt}^{u} p_{jgt}^{u}}\right]^{c_{jgl}^{u}}$$
from which we can implement merge-split Metropolis-Hastings and Gibbs sampling algorithms
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